Clay Aiken and son on People Mag

Guess What?  No, not chicken butt.  Clay Aiken is gay!!!!!!

I’ll bet you’re shocked, huh?  And, he had a child out of wedlock using a surrogate mother, OMG!  Maybe this is shocking if you’re a cute granny from Iowa, but the rest of us just don’t consider this announcement actual news.  Anyone who saw him on Idol or on Broadway is not even the tiniest bit surprised.  We’re just happy for him.
Sarah & the Saks Scandal
In electoral news, the RNC just announced that they spent $150,000 on clothes for Sarah Palin‘s campaigning.  Is this where I make a joke about lipstick and pigs?  Not going there, really, truly.
Wherever you stand politically, please don’t forget to vote, your country needs you.  See you soon!